One of the first things hackers do when they attempt to infiltrate computer systems is to try using any common or stolen passwords. And, if you aren’t careful to use effective passwords and change them regularly, you can be exposed to data breaches, phishing schemes and other costly cyber attacks.

Most people don’t manage their passwords effectively because of the misconception that strong passwords need to be long and difficult to remember.

Most people don’t manage their passwords effectively because of the misconception that strong passwords need to be long and difficult to remember.

However, there are a few simple steps you can relay to your employees in order to ensure that passwords are both hard for hackers to figure out and easy to manage:

  • Build passwords around familiar phrases. Long passwords are harder for computer programs to guess, so using a long but familiar phrase, like a favorite song lyric or quote, is a great start to making a password.
  • Use a password management service. Many people write their passwords down on paper or in a word processor, but keeping them anywhere insecure makes it easier for hackers to access them. Instead, consider using a reputable password management service to keep all of their login credentials safe.

Need more resources to help improve your cyber security? Contact BHC Insurance today.
