Only 3% of online pharmacies are reviewed by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy in compliance with U.S. pharmacy laws and standards. With this in mind, many online sources for purchasing medication may not be licensed pharmacies or may not actually be pharmacies at all. As a result, diagnoses may be incorrect, and you could be sold medication that isn’t helpful to your health condition. Luckily, it is fairly simple to identify whether an online pharmacy is safe and legitimate.

Consider these tips to help determine whether an online pharmacy is safe:

  • Look for a “Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites” seal on the site.
  • Make sure the site requires you to complete a questionnaire or provide a prescription from your health care provider.
  • Check to see if the pharmacy has a physical address in the United States. Be wary of sites that ship prescriptions worldwide or are physically located in a foreign country.
  • Contact your state board of pharmacy to confirm whether the site is licensed.
  • Make sure the site’s prices are relatively similar to what you usually pay for your medications. Don’t believe discounts or prices that seem too good to be true.
  • Check the site to see if there is a state-licensed pharmacist to answer any questions you might have.

By using these tips, you can find better peace of mind when choosing an online pharmacy and safely purchasing your prescriptions online.
